Can I host more than one domain on my Cpanel account?

Dependnig on the type of plan you purchase. Look out for "Multiple Domains" feature for the plan. You can host the listed number of domains. Each domain would be hosted completely independant of the others, and your visitors would not know the difference. You can setup email, FTP, etc. for each one of your domains.

Kas see vastus oli kasulik?

 Prindi artikkel

Loe veel

What types of sites do you host?

We host any sites that do not violate our acceptable use policy.

Do you put any types of advertising on my pages?

No, we do not put any types of advertising on your pages.

How do I transfer my site to Mxhub?

First you would get a new account with us - and then transfer all of your website files. Once...

Does Mxhub support JSP, ASP and/or ColdFusion?

No, sorry...Active Server Pages (ASP) and ColdFusion (CF) are primarily designed for use on...

Can I get Custom Nameservers?

Yes, we charge $25 per year for custom nameservers (Example: ns1 and