Creating an Email Account

To create, edit, modify, or delete an email account for your domain via the control panel at

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Olvassa el is

How do I block unwanted email?

One way to prevent repeat incoming unwanted email, is to block an individual email address....

Does Mxhub support IMAP?

Yes, Mxhub does support IMAP. Using your mail Client example ( Out look Express ) create...

Can Mxhub customers operate mailing lists?

Yes. Small to moderately sized mailing lists can be sent using the mailing list feature...

What is the maximum size of email attachments?

While our email system currently supports a maximum message size of 5MB this doesn't...

What can I do to reduce the amount of spam email I get?

1. NEVER click on an "unsubscribe" link on spam. That only serves to confirm that...