What if I need a hosting feature not included with your hosting accounts?

If you need a hosting feature that is not listed on our hosting features page, we also offer additional hosting features. Additional features are not included with your hosting plan but may be added for the rates found on our additional features page.

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Does Mxhub support JSP, ASP and/or ColdFusion?

No, sorry...Active Server Pages (ASP) and ColdFusion (CF) are primarily designed for use on...

Policy on Spam, UCE and Bulk Mailing

Accounts caught sending unsolicited, as defined by Mxhub*, email or usenet postings, either...

What is the charge if I exceed the monthly data transfer limit, or the diskspace limit?

If you exceed your data transfer / disk space limit your account will be suspended until you...

How much space can I use for hosting features (such as MySQL databases, CGI-scripts, ASP, PHP etc.)?

Any space used for hosting features such as MySQL databases, CGI scripts, ASP, PHP etc. is...

Which control panel do you have available?

We offer Cpanel, as our standard control panel, with all new shared hosting accounts.