How long until my new hosting account is setup?

We setup all accounts within 24 hours of receiving your order and payment. If you have requested a domain name registration - it generally takes 24 - 72 hours for your new domain name to go "live".

Kas see vastus oli kasulik?

 Prindi artikkel

Loe veel

Can I get Custom Nameservers?

Yes, we charge $25 per year for custom nameservers (Example: ns1 and

Do you support IMAP?

Yes, all of our Cpanel accounts support IMAP.

Can I access my site with or without the 'www'?

Yes. You can access your site both with or without the 'www'. For example you can access...

Do you put any types of advertising on my pages?

No, we do not put any types of advertising on your pages.

Where can I view detailed descriptions of your hosting account features?

You can find detailed descriptions on our hosting features page.