Do you put any types of advertising on my pages?

No, we do not put any types of advertising on your pages.

Kas see vastus oli kasulik?

 Prindi artikkel

Loe veel

Does Mxhub support PHP, MySQL and/or Perl?

All of our plans include a minimum of 1 MySQL databases and phpMyAdmin is installed on all...

What payment options do you offer?

Currently you can pay online with your Visa, Mastercard, Amex through our merchant account or via...

How do I transfer my site to Mxhub?

First you would get a new account with us - and then transfer all of your website files. Once...

What is the FTP Manager?

Inside your CPanel Control Panel, you'll notice an icon for FTP Manager. The FTP Manager...

Your prices are so low, does that mean your hosting isn't as good as other companies?

Our prices are much lower than other prices you have seen, and our hosting features are...